The casino game of roulette has captivated the imagination of gamers for centuries. With its iconic spinning wheel, promise of luck-filled wins and enticing payouts, roulette has been a staple of casinos for hundreds of years. Today, players have their choice of playing roulette at a land-based casino, where they can visit and spend a couple of days in a fun-filled gambling venue, or at the online casino.

When you play roulette casino online you enjoy all the amenities of a brick-and-mortar casino site along with the ease of playing at your personal convenience, at any time, from any location on your PC or mobile device.

Thanks to the open accessibility of the online casino setting you can enjoy online roulette at a betting limit that suits your personal budget. Play as a VIP for high stakes or as a casual player with lower deposits. The online casino is able to support your betting strategy so you can sit back and enjoy your game.


Today’s well-known game of roulette grew out of 17th century inventor Blaise Pascal’s search for a perpetual motion machine. By the early 1800s, a wheel similar to Pascal’s rudimentary device, was being used in England to play Evens/Odds, also known as “EO’. The game quickly became popular in European casinos, especially in those of the French Riviera where European royalty mingled and played.

In the mid 19th century, a new variation of roulette – American roulette – was introduced, which differs from European roulette in that the American roulette wheel features an extra “double-zero” pocket, so instead of having 37 pockets on a roulette wheel (as European roulette wheels still have today), there are 38 wheel pockets.

Americans have come to prefer American roulette and that’s the variation that’s featured at Juicy Stakes online casino. The Juicy Stakes roulette room is open 24/7 with all of Juicy Stakes’ casino amenities including bonus animation alerts, easy ebanking options, big bonus rewards, free withdrawals and user-friendly download or instant play options. Come visit today!

High Energy Roulette Action

When you play roulette at Juicy Stakes you’ll enjoy both the accessibility and convenience of the casino’s user-friendly gaming fun. Roulette competition centers on the mesmerizing roulette wheel which is divided into numbered pockets that alternate between red and black.

In addition, there are two green pockets, one with one zero and the other with two zeros. When you press the “play button” you release the ball into the spinning wheel. The ball bounces and bangs until it comes to rest in one of the pockets. Based on your prediction of where the ball would land, you collect your win.

The suspense build as you compare how you bet with the results of your ball toss. Roulette bets include both inside and outside bets – the inside bets are riskier but the payouts are higher while the outside bets are less risky but the payouts are lower. This is where roulette allows you to play the game according to your preferences – you bet based on the way that you like to play and then enjoy the results.

Outside bets are bets on larger swatches of numbers. You can bet on your ball falling on a red or a black pocket which gives you almost 50% chance either way, or on an odd or even number with also gives you about a 50% chance either way. You also have the opportunity to wager on large groups of numbers. The inside bets involve wagers on individual numbers or on smaller groups of numbers. The choice is yours!


There isn’t as much strategy and skill involved in roulette as in, say, blackjack or poker. But it’s also not a game of complete chance. Experienced roulette players study betting systems and analyze odds to determine whether it’s more advantageous to place an outside or an inside bet.

That means, for every toss of the ball, they need to determine whether it’s best to bet on specific numbers, play the odds with even-money bets or experiment with progressive betting systems. There’s no shortage of tactics to explore.

Download or Instant

When you play roulette at Juicy Stakes you have your choice of playing anytime, anywhere, at your leisure. Regardless of whether you’re relaxing in bed before you go to sleep, sitting on the bus or even on a work break at work, you can join a roulette game with a simple tap on your gaming device - laptop, phone or tablet.

Simply open the Juicy Stakes website on your PC/laptop or mobile device and type in “roulette” in the search bar on the Games page. You can start playing roulette within minutes, either for free in the casino’s Free Mode or for real money prizes in the casino’s Real Mode. All of the Juicy Stakes bonus gifts are applicable to roulette so you can grab your bonus gift for the chance to play more roulette games for more time for free.

Juicy Stakes ensures that you’ll experience a secure gaming event that’s fast and reliable. All deposits and withdrawals are facilitated through the Juicy Stakes banking page which allows you to transfer funds using safe payment methods.

Get ready for a high-energy casino roulette adventure at Juicy Stakes online casino.