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If free flowing poker play and booming cash pots are what you are after, Juicy Stakes has you covered. Our improved and fabulously flash no limit poker games are exactly as they say. There are no limits – not in terms of bets, creative action or potential gains!

If you want to know why no limit poker is trending at Juicy Stakes Poker and just about everywhere else, then read on!

What is No Limit Poker?

Online poker at Juicy Stakes is not only available in three exciting variants – Texas Holdem, Omaha and Omaha Hi-Lo. It is further fragmented into sub-categories with slightly different betting rules. These are the ‘limits’ players must adhere to – or not!

As the name suggests, no limit poker games have NO rigid restrictions or betting caps to dilute the action. Provided you have ample chips in your stack to back your bets, you can throw anything on the virtual tables. That is where the heart-pounding poker term ‘go all-in’ is part of the action.

Overbet or Go All-In as a Top Tactic

If you fancy your chances of winning the pot or believe you can intimidate your adversaries into folding, you can employ one of two top poker strategies – overbet or go all-in. For obvious reasons, these tactics are only viable in no limit poker games.

The first strategy refers to a bet with a higher value than that of the pot. The second tactic is when you stake everything you have got on a single hand. Do that and the final outcome depends on whether any of the other players are willing to call, bet or raise!

Minimum Caps Rather than Maximum Limits

The only betting constraints that do apply to no limit poker games are on the upside rather than the downside. At the bare minimum, bets must match the big blind and raises must be at least two times that of the small blind.

When you play no-limit poker games at Juicy Stakes, it is effectively ‘open season’ – not on ducks but on the money in the middle! The only factor that counts is the size of your stack… and not that of the ammo in your shotgun barrel.

Betting Limits on Fixed Limit and Pot Limit Poker Games

In fixed-limit games, betting is rigidly structured. Players must bet exactly the same as the big blind – and raise double that. There’s no betting flexibility and you’re not free to wager away as you wish with your chosen stake. Let’s take a $1/$2 game as an example.

In this fixed limit poker game, the small blind is $0.50 and the big blind is $1. Players must consequently bet $1 and raise $2. Bets post-flop start at $2 and increase in the raise to $4 – and there are no exceptions to the rules.

Bet to the Big Blind and Raise to the Pot

Pot limit games are similar to fixed limit poker. Using the same example, bets are $1 but players can raise to the size of the pot. This type of game does allow fractionally more flexibility but you still can’t go all-in or overbet.

Why is that significant? As we have already mentioned, these are the strategies that are most frequently used to eliminate players with weak holdings. Without these tactics in-play, luck is the key determining factor as to which hand wins, rather than skills like bluffing, overbetting and other forms of deception.

Structured Online Poker Games for Rookies

There is nothing wrong or subpar about fixed limit and pot limit online poker. They simply have more structured betting systems that are typically appealing to poker rookies and cautious budget-conscious players.

With these types of poker games, you are never tempted to go all-in where you could potentially lose your entire stack. Caps on the betting mean there are caps on the hypothetical losses… and obviously the gains too.

When you play fixed limit or pot limit poker online you have to wait for the good holdings – and that requires patience. What you can bank on is you will play many more hands than you would have had you opted for no limit poker games instead.

Here’s Why You Should Play Poker with No Limits

Play no-limit poker games and you have total betting flexibility! You can get creative in your pursuit of the pot by introducing overbetting, bluffing and other forms of that deception we mentioned into your gameplay. It effectively allows you to express yourself and have loads of fun… and plenty of heart-in-the-mouth moments too!

What is arguably as important as the x-factor that no limit poker games always bring to the party is the potential size of the pots. When all the players follow a similar strategy and bet big, pots can (and do!) reach jaw-dropping proportions – and that is a good thing!

No Limit Poker Games at Juicy Stakes: What We Offer

Juicy Stakes Poker is a go-to online poker room that offers Texas Holdem and Omaha no limit poker online at low, medium and high stakes. That is along with a fair share of pot limit poker too. Buy-ins range from $0.2/$0.05 to $10/$20.

Besides our cash games and legendary online poker tournaments, our promotions are pretty darn hot. If you are new to the Juicy Stakes family, you get a 200% match bonus on your first deposit. It is capped at $1k, giving you plenty of Bejamins to bet as you wish on our no limit poker games!

Returning players at Juicy Stakes Poker are in line for a slew of great freebies. Options range from reload bonuses and rakeback deals to days when you can earn double Frequent Player Points (FPPs) for doing nothing more than… playing poker online!

Go on… Get your game face on and play high-risk, high-reward poker games with no, nada, zero limits online at Juicy Stakes NOW. We’re talking about no limit poker games, of course!